Post by alabamapj on May 1, 2013 5:57:07 GMT -5
Admins, we have a couple of concerns, it seems certian players seemed to be pulling 10 URAL,3 SUV's AH64D heli etc to a base. Blew up everything there, went back later found tents and in one was a L115A3 LLR. We also pulle d4 mod 0's from the vehicles. Thought this was an Arma2 only weapon for the wasteland. Don't have any evidence but it seems hacking is going on. Stwey G, Peter G, and Andre were at the camp. Maybe I am wrong and if so I apologize but something smells funny. coordinates for tents were at 95.25 97.3. We have the L115A3 and will gladly turn it over if it is hacked. We enjoy the server very much and if it is going whitelisted we need to be concerned about hacking. Nothing ruins a game or server faster than script kiddies.
V/R pj
On The Beach
Posts: 7
Post by you on May 1, 2013 9:26:54 GMT -5
I can add some details to the time line of the issue PJ is talking about. I logged in to find our two SUVs missing and went to Lyubol looking for a car. I talked to the players that were on (Stewie.G , Peter.G, and Andre) asking if maybe they had taken the cars. No problem if they had I just wanted to know. They said they had not. So I went up over the mountain and saw a flashlight bouncing around and the dust from a heli. Stewie.G , Peter.G, and Andre had already been talking on side chat and confirmed they were all together playing hide and seek in game. On side chat I heard one of them tell another to “Spawn some stuff in”. I kept chatting with them (typing) one of them (Peter.G I think) got verbally abusive calling me a cunt (don’t really care) cementing in my mind my plan to go check out whatever they had at 95.25 97.3. I figured they had a tent there or something. I logged out until later when they were off line (1hr) and logged in and checked out the area. There were 15 vehicles and one helicopter (3SUV, 1 UAZ, rest Urals + apache). I recognized all the SUVs as formally ours, and several of the URALs due to their inventory. I took all the best stuff (4 mod 0s, SD ammo) and used the five satchel charges to blow everything up (- 1 URAL). I came back the next day and found the tent PJ was talking about. In the mean time I found the Apache again and left it completely stripped down on top of a castle with no way up. There was one copter at the Martin castle, two at the Martin Barracks complex, two at the north airfield, and two in the fields north of the north airfield. All stripped mostly by me personally. Within one day the one on the castle, one from the barracks have gone missing (within hours). I put it to you that it seems highly unlikely that they were found and repaired in that time, especially the main rotor and scrap metal which cannot be stripped from cars (most of which I strip the glass from). Other possible hacker items; There is a raised road section that is 10’ tall at the railroad crossing north of Martin, a water obstacle course added in Martin, and an industrial spawn was in the Martin Barracks and now is gone. I realize this all might have been admin mods. Additionally a couple of days ago we noticed huge amounts (3+5) of cars freshly spawned in groups in spawn locations. And lastly some of the URALs we had pulled a short way from their spawn point and hidden where back in their spawn points but still with the gear we left inside. Naturally you can do anything you want with your server so if any of these were by your team then np. I just thought you would want to know if not.
FYI I have not personally seen any of them on since, I think they think they were busted by admins. Either way I think they are back on under other names. Please check GUIDs.
Post by Josh W on May 2, 2013 2:50:02 GMT -5
Hey guys, Thanks for the post. We are currently investigating this and implementing a new antihack. These players WILL be questioned and we are currently checking logs. We thank you guys once again for raising awareness. If you see anything else out of order, please tell me immediately and I will bust them red handed. We found that the administrator under the name of "Ty" has been secretly spawning things in and deleting the logs. Lets just say he is no longer admin and all rights and donations he has made have been revoked and will not be refunded. Also, I am unaware of a weapon called (d4 mod 0). Were you talking about a mk 48 mod 0? If so, they do spawn but a pretty rare.
Update: Everything they had has been removed. There profiles have been deleted also so they have to restart.
What we did: We found that each one of those players had very hard to find items (I am talking like 1 or 2 spawns per server) after 20 minutes of playing. It is confirmed that the ex-admin ty spawned them in. He has been banned from the server.
Post by Stewy.G on May 2, 2013 3:59:23 GMT -5
Post by Josh W on May 2, 2013 5:02:55 GMT -5
WELL EXCUSE ME U SON OF A BITCH WE HAVNT HACKED AND WE DONT NO HOW TO FUCKING HACK, 2ND OF ALL WE FOUND ALL OUR HELI'S AND VEHICLES INCLUDING WEAPONS WE HAVE NEVER HACKED AND DO NOT PLAN ON HACKING SO NEXT TIME IM ON THE SERVER IM COMING FOR YOU. This is inexcusable behavior. Usually, if you are caught up with anything related to spawning items in, you would be banned instantly no two ways about it. For now, you stay on the whitelist and get off with no trouble. Player TY (Now Ex-admin) is the only one being punished with a ban. So be grateful mate.
On The Beach
Posts: 7
Post by you on May 2, 2013 6:39:26 GMT -5
Josh W,
Thank you for your fast action and fair way of handling this. In my opinion you are actually too nice and it will probably come back around and cause you future worries. But that is up to you and after all it takes a big man not just ban them all. I think I can talk for most everyone when I say its nice to have a mature even handed admin.
v/r (very respectfully) David
PS. It was 240 Mod 0 Qty 4